So, 36" x 36" is what I shoot for in pants, but that's tough to find for dress pants. Dockers don't seem to fit my rear end without looking ill-fitted, and I've tried on a lot of different pairs.
Enter a trip to Nordstrom's. And seeing the (professional wrestler) Dave Batista. As I noticed, he's 6'6", 290, and shopping. For pants.
What works? Unbelievably enough, the store brand, Nordstrom's Smart Care pants. They come in four or five different khakish colors, they look business professional. They come in sizes up to 46" x 36". They tailor the length for you - in store - at no additional cost if you happen to want an odd length. They fit me perfectly, get me compliments, and apparently also fit guys much wider than I am.
They never need to be ironed, just smooth them out when they come out of the dryer. Again, to look great, they never need to be ironed.
Oh, and it gets better.
As an added bonus, they never, ever seem to take a stain. A few of us were drinking - heavily - and a friend of ours who worked at Nordstrom's came in. They saw me wearing the pants, and mentioned "those aren't supposed to ever stain!" Being men of science, another friend proceeded to dump a glass of red wine on my lap. A minute later, after finding a paper towel, I blotted the wine off the pants completely. It was amazing.
My only complaint is that they're pretty darn formal looking; they don't get wrinkled enough to be truly casual pants.
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